Thursday, November 6, 2008

grand champions

Big shouts-out are going to Kirk Walztoni and Eileen Moran for winning the overall Grand Prix titles! Awards will be handed out in all age groups at the MDRA annual party on January 17th.

There are special grand prizes for anyone who completes all 13 races and another prize for anyone who completes 10 of the grand prix races. If you missed out on the Grand Prix for 2008, you can register for the '09 GP at the MDRA annual party. Cost is only $5!

For those of you who live or run in Minneapolis, the Park Board is seeking opinions on their latest round of trail improvements. Here's the skinny:
Thank you for your previous participation in the planning process for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board’s (MPRB’s) comprehensive plan. Community input is currently being sought for the development of a new Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for the MPRB through a Bike, Walk and Roll Survey and a Field Sports Survey

Thank you for your continued support of the Minneapolis park system!
Sound off. Improve parks.

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