Friday, March 14, 2008

run France

The run blog is across the pond this week. My sister gets married tomorrow, so I get to run around Nantes for a few days.

Nantes is about the same latitude as Minneapolis, and it looks like this:

That's green grass and palm trees I'm running by. Groove on that.

The flowers are in bloom too.

Far. Freakin'. Out.

Some local dudes were out for a run too. Here they are flashing the international symbol for "I'm having a good run". Thumbs-up is universal.

And here's the view from my sister's street. The road features parking on one side, 2-way traffic, and a bike lane in each direction. City planners, eat your hearts out.

The speed limit on that monster is 30kph (18mph). Being a runner has made me really good at calculating metric distances. Every time I look at a map, I'm thinking "OK, that distance is four 10Ks plus an 8K minus a 5K..."

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