Wednesday, September 19, 2007

suds and running

From today's Strib: an article on Twin Cities Harriers, the drinking club with a running problem. I love these guys.

If you need a Minnesota brew before/during/after your next run, pick up some MN-made Surly. Their Furious is the best thing that has ever happened to beverages in cans. Get some.


Nathan said...

I'm partial to Surly's Cynic Ale, but Furious is pretty darn delicious too.

Kirk said...

Call me crazy, but I prefer St. Paul's Summit Pale and Schell's Pale Ale to Furious. I know that Beer Advocate wouldn't agree, but they also wouldn't agree with me running 100 miles in a week.

MDRA said...

Kirk, I wouldn't agree with you running 100 miles in a week, and I'm a runner! Also, Summit Extra Pale rules.