Wednesday, March 31, 2010


The problem with trying drastically new footwear in the middle of marathon training is I don’t want to lose a day. What I mean is, since I’ve only worked up to 4 miles in the VFF I don’t want to wear them on any day where I’m supposed to run longer than that – which is every day. And, I’m not about to embark on a 7 mile run with a change of shoes! Anyway, I’m going to try and go 6 miles in them tomorrow.

Speaking of running barefoot, check out this article about Abebe Bikila, who ran (and won) a couple marathons, including one in the Olympics performed barefoot.

I would also like to add that he has his own Facebook page with over 260 times more Facebook friends than I, and he passed away almost 40 years ago.


crossn81 said...

could you stop for a water break and switch shoes?

Drew said...

I'd still have to either carry a pair with me or stash a pair somewhere...